Selecting the type of funeral, whether it’s traditional or a more unique and personalized reflection and celebration of one's life, we offer many options along with personal guidance from one of our experienced funeral planners. We will help you to choose the service which best reflects your family’s desires for a service to remember and a memory to cherish.
Anatomical Donation
A state anatomy board arranges for the deceased to be transmitted to their facility. If desired, a memorial service can be held at the convenience of the family.
When the anatomy board is completed with their work, the deceased is cremated. The family should designate if they want the cremains returned.
Death Certificate
The funeral director is responsible for filing the original death certificate with the state health department.
The funeral director will also order certified copies of the death certificate for the family. If additional certified copies are needed at a later date, please call Wendy at (301) 724-2250 or (304) 298-3671.
Social Security
The funeral director is responsible for notifying the Social Security Administration of a person’s death.
If the deceased received a monthly check - - Any future monthly checks must be returned to the local office at #1 Frederick St., Cumberland, MD. If the deceased had his/her monthly check directly deposited with their bank, a certified copy of the death certificate will need to be sent to the bank to refuse any future checks.
If you have any questions regarding benefits, please call the local office at (301) 722-4934 or 1-800-772-1213.
Life Insurance
If you need assistance in processing personal life insurance policies, please call the funeral home. We will assist you in obtaining and completing the claimant form. This form, along with a certified copy of the death certificate and the policy are sent to the home office for processing. Proceeds are sent directly to the stated beneficiary, unless an assignment has been made.
Employer Notification
The funeral director can notify the deceased’s employer of his/her death. Information regarding benefits will be directed to the legal next-of-kin, or the agents acting as such.
Veterans Administration
If the deceased was an honorably discharged veteran, the family is entitled to receive The U.S. flag, the funeral director will obtain the flag. A copy of the deceased’s military discharge is needed.
It is possible the deceased veteran and/or his/her family may be eligible for burial benefits. The local Veterans Office, located in the County Office Building on Kelly Road, Cumberland, can assist families with necessary applications. For specific questions, please call (301) 777-2157. The V.A. office will need a certified copy of the death certificate, as well as a copy of the military discharge.
The Preplanning process for your service can be informal and simple by filling out our pre-planning form. Our experienced and friendly staff offer a wide range of support to help make the process easy and worry free. If you prefer more formal arrangements we can arrange a meeting with our caring and courteous staff. Whether you decide to use the pre-planning form or a formal meeting with our staff, rest assured your final wishes will be shared with the family member of your choosing assuring a smooth and worry free funeral service.
Funeral and memorial services can be pre-funded through your life insurance, bank trust and many other methods. Our funeral director is knowledgeable with all forms of pre-funding and will be able to set up a preneed contract. The preneed contract gives you comfort in knowing your final arrangements are pre-funded and your services are in a manner you’ve chosen.

Planning the details of a funeral and coordinating the service are difficult tasks in a time of crisis. Beginning at the moment we receive notification of a person’s death, our professional staff will begin to assist your family with the many details of planning a funeral. We’ll take responsibility for the care of your loved one. A funeral director will make arrangements to meet with you to discuss your wishes, assure compliance with the law, provide assistance with floral selection and help coordinate the time and place of the funeral service
We offer a wide selection of caskets, urns, vaults, grave markers and keepsake selections and whether you choose burial or cremation for your arrangements, our caring and knowledgeable staff will be able to accommodate your needs for a personalized and unique service.

A traditional burial has several options for caskets and grave markers. Our staff and facilities are available to your family to help coordinate the details of the service with the clergy, the cemetery, or other participants in the ceremony. Our caring staff will also aid your family in completing any necessary paperwork including obituary notices, Social Security forms, and Veteran’s and insurance benefits.

Cremation is an option families are choosing as part of their funeral plans and the reasons people give for choosing cremation vary. Prior to cremation, your family may choose to have a visitation and a funeral service with your loved one present. Our knowledgeable staff will explain cremation caskets and cremation rental caskets for those families choosing to have a viewing followed by cremation.
The next steps are often difficult to plan. Who to call, where to start with memorial invitations, where to hold the reception.. We know there is a lot to do and we are available for all your needs. To help with the next steps of the planning process, our funeral care professionals have created a checklist to help guide you along the way.